50 Days of Fire Line Up

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Pastors James and Cathie Hightshoe
(April  21st)
(May 11, 20)

Dr. James Hightshoe was touched by the Power of God in his 20's and delivered from a life of drug addiction and alcoholism. This experience fueled a passion to impact the lives of others with the Power of the Gospel that continues to this day. Dr. Cathie Hightshoe was widowed with small children and has used her victorious testimony and ability to effectively share God's Word to encourage thousands of people. Together, their Redeemed Life Ministry has stretched internationally and Redeemed Life University is equipping others with Bible-based training to reach their goals and dreams of having a college degree. The Hightshoe's mission is to help you redeem your time on earth and get from where you are, to where God wants you to be.

Jesse Duplantis
(April  22)

Jesse Duplantis, minister of the Gospel, motivational speaker, television personality, and best-selling author, has been in full-time ministry since 1976 and is the founder of Jesse Duplantis Ministries, located in the Greater New Orleans area of south Louisiana in the United States of America. With over four decades of sharing his unique blend of humor and faith around the world, generations of believers have been inspired by his messages and countless numbers have come to know Jesus Christ as Savior through his ministry.

Michael and Sara Vidulich are Evangelists devoted to winning souls, reviving the church, and training up the believer. They have had the honor of traveling across America and to multiple nations around the world, bringing revival and salvation to this generation. Michael and Sara are both authors and TV hosts of "MJV Ministries Live" - a program made to fuel your faith.

Michael and Sara Vidulich
(April  23 - 25)

Hank Yonce
(April  28 - May 2)

Hank & Natasja Yonce started our church in 2012 after doing mass crusades in Central America. The Lord spoke to Pastor Hank to plant a church in Deland, Florida and they started their journey to becoming what we know as Faith United Church today. Pastor Natasja was born in South Africa and leads worship here at Faith United Church. Together they Pastor a growing church that is founded on the word of God and the move of the Holy Spirit. They have three amazing children Isabella, Trey, and Eden.

Joshua Mills
(May 5 - 7)

Joshua Mills is an internationally respected, ordained minister, as well as a worship songwriter and recording artist. He is also a keynote conference speaker and bestselling author of many spiritual books and training manuals. His recent books include Creative Glory, 7 Divine Mysteries, Power Portals, The Miracle of the Oil, Moving in Glory Realms, Seeing Angels, and Angelic Activations. Joshua is well known for the supernatural atmosphere he carries and for his unique insights into the glory realm and prophetic sound. Wherever Joshua ministers, the Word of God is confirmed by miraculous signs and wonders that testify of Jesus Christ. He is regarded as a spiritual forerunner in the Body of Christ. For many years, he has helped people discover the life-shifting truths of salvation, healing, and deliverance for spirit, soul, and body. He has ministered in more than seventy-five nations on six continents. Featured together with his wife Janet in several film documentaries and print articles, they have ministered to millions around the world through radio, television, and their weekly webcast, Glory Bible Study. Joshua considers his greatest honor to be a father to their three children—Lincoln, Liberty, and Legacy.

Debbie Rich
(May 12 - 16)

Dr. Debbie Rich is an international teacher, evangelist, and revivalist to the nations. She has carried the fire of revival to over fifty nations. She is known as a fiery preacher who ministers the Word and flows in the Holy Spirit. 

Donna Esteban
(May 19th)

Pastor of RLC Bilingual Service, a devoted servant of God operating in the prophetic. A powerful and anointed woman of faith, she travels globally, preaching the Word of God and ministering to diverse communities. With a heart for outreach and spiritual transformation, she empowers individuals through prophetic teaching, prayer, and evangelism.

Evangelist Melissa Swindle Szinyi is a bold fearless Holy Ghost preacher. Her fire for the word of God, and the anointing of the Holy Ghost is the emphasis of her ministry as she travels Stateside and internationally boldly preaching the word of God, winning souls, and making disciples with her Husband Odon. Melissa has preached the gospel of Jesus Christ in 27 nations! She specializes in the topics of The Spirit of Faith, prayer, how to receive divine healing, and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Her ministry is marked by impartations of the Holy Spirit, boldness, healing and miracles. Reverend Melissa’s practical way of sharing and ministering the word of God empowers you to move from living a natural mediocre life to living an abundant, super natural life in Christ. 

Melissa Swindle Szinyi
(May 21 - 23)

Josh Radford
(May 26 - 30)

Revivalists Josh & Lori Radford have been in ministry for the last 30 years. During that time they have served in many areas of ministry, most notably under Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne as Youth Pastors at the River at Tampa Bay Church. They are connected to and have ministered for some of the most influential leaders of our time. With a wealth of experience and valuable insight they are now traveling fulltime spreading revival and helping Pastors reach their cities and grow their Churches. Josh and Lori’s heart beat is to see the lost saved and every believer on fire with the flames of revival. You will be blessed and touched by this powerful ministry.